Wednesday, March 14, 2007

When in doubt, castle.

So this is the new blogger, same as the old blogger. Awesome.

I'm here to dispell the rumor(started by some fella named Brant) that babies are blog killers. While babies do diminish ones abilities to: sleep, eat peacefully, have a nice quiet bathroom session, think, go to the bars, get (really) stoned, watch tv, read, have sex, and so on. They aren't blog killers.

Blog killers are certain cuzzins'(who won't be named) lack of participation in said blogging.

Anyway I've noticed that much of my recent or pre-baby blogging has been mindless picture and link posting. So, I decided to put together a thoughtful and possibly pretentious posting of random jibberish(for lack of a better word).

(By the way I want you to know that I did not intend to use so many parenthesis, it just kind of happened. On a interesting side note I've heard semicolons referred to as; transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing.)

My first thought is on celebrities, namely Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, and Paris Hilton, and anyone else in that mold for that matter. I was going to go on and on about how much I hate them and then I realized: fuck them, I don't fucking care about them or anyone else with similar notoriety. I don't even know them, what the fuck is wrong with me? Without their fame and money they'd be just another hick in the local police blotter. Fuck the media too. Its really amazing how much of a market there is for people that most of america will never meet.

Ok that thought was a little too long. My second thought is that most street performers suck.

And while I'm in the bitching mode: I absolutely despise cellular ear pieces. Hate em. I do love the people that are so important that they leave them in all day regardless of whether they have a phone call or not or on the subway where there isn't any reception. Congrats to them, they are one step closer to being a cyborg.

One thing I've learned from living in New york City which seems to pride itself on non-conformity is that: True individualists do not realize they are unique.

Finally in a effort to not make this post too long winded, I would like to share some recent discoveries of mine.

Book suggestions

Earth Abides by George Stewart--an end of the world tyoe book written in 1949

The Tao of Willie by Willie Nelson--sounds cheesy but its very insightful and entertaining

My Belief by Herman Hesse--big fan of any of his books

The Road by Cormac McCarthy--another apocalyptic type book

A Man Without a Country by Kurt Vonnegut--just an awesome book, can read it in a day

Funniest Piece of Advice

"When in doubt, castle" I've been thinking on this one for a week.

Best Old Definitions

Twerp: A guy who stuck a set of false teeth up his butt and bit the buttons off the backseats of taxicabs.

Snarf: A guy who sniffed the seats of girls' bicycles.

Best Album I've Recently Discovered

Mike Doughty--Haughty Music


"We are here on earth to fart around. Don't let anyone tell you different."

-Kurt Vonnegut


Anonymous said...

Brant is Jake he had to set it up for a course mandated blog:

The Cheese said...

Thanks Brant, but I had it figured out--I was just farting around.

Anonymous said...

Hey! it's Brant again, I knew you had figured it out already. I was just doing it anyway!

The Cheese said...

Hey Brake. I knew you knew that I had figured it out. I was just testing your mental fortitude?