Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Daily Rubb

So then I told the proctologist, you may have a fancy degree, but you don't know the first thing about fingering an ass.
then he reminded me that he was just a homeless guy that I lured into my apartment with promises of beef burritos.
He also had a hook for a hand.

I have bronchitis. There's new snow out and I would like to ski on it but my general weakness and breathing difficulty would take the fun out of it. I wonder if we should do things we don't want to do just because we had previosuly considered them fun. I see the widespread use of viagra as a good example of this, and one that will lead me to skiing tomorrow.

I will be choosing a slightly better program in ann arbor or gainesville over boulder or vancouver for 5 years of grad school, and it will upset me.

I want to change how comments work, so they just pop up instead of opening a new page. i think this is possible.

I'm going to Peru in about a month. Want to come Brant? Machu Picchu beckons.

I just read Hobo, which is another good Matt recommendation, and also Less Than Zero by Brett Easton Ellis. Ellis is great.



The Cheese said...

That book was actually recommended to me by Gramma--so unfortunately I cant take full credit for it. Welcome back Rubb.

Anonymous said...

Interesting enough I plan on going to South America as soon as school gets out, which is sometime in early May. I haven't made any official plans, I was thinking about doing an immersion school where you learn the language for about 4 hours a day and its relatively cheap. I thought that it would at least give me some initial direction. It would be awesome if this would work out. Let me know the extent of your plans.