Monday, June 29, 2009

What the fuck?

I'd like to go 30 years into the future to see if cent has replaced cents in the english dictionary for the plural of cent. Because if it has become completely acceptable for cent to be the plural of cent than I'm just going to give up on life right now. If you have 30 pennies, its 30 FUCKING CENTS, PLURAL! Also, if a situation deserves a "what the fuck" just say "what the fuck," don't say or write or think "wtf" unless you're a lazy asshole.

ps-my job blows

also-how much longer are gigantic sunglasses going to be cool, I fucking hate those. Maybe people should just start wearing full facial sunglasses.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Online Dating

First of all, this is a ridiculous debate, and I present it here primarily for your amusement. Secondly, It's something I'm actually considering primarily due to it's ridiculousness, and would be open to any serious thoughts on it. Thirdly, it's a pretty hilarious medium for hooliganry, and I'd also be open to any suggestions on how to play with it.

The background: I've been back in Michigan three weeks, and have had a concert circled on my calendar for the whole time. This concert is on thursday, it's Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, who I love. It has only sit-down seats, and I was hoping I'd meet a girl and take her to the show. I didn't even try to meet a girl, partly because I don't think I want to be in a relationship or have random one-night stands, which basically means I don't want to meet girls. But I do want a date for this show...

So this morning I had the idea of putting an ad on craigslist to go to this concert with me. Seemed like an interesting thing to do. My ad:
There's a concert of a band that I love on thursday, and I'm thinking that would be a good time to get to know someone new.
The concert: Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings. Amazing lady-funk. Tickets are on me.
Me: Grad student at Michigan. Deep, funny, interesting, attractive.
You: Sweet, adventurous, attractive. And you must be a fan of the funk of course.

Now I have lots of replies (7) from girls that seem nice and like the funk and I have no idea what to do. I'm actually leaning towards going out with one, because I still believe that anything I've never done is worth doing and online dating is something I've never done. On the other hand, really? Online dating? Jesus.

It's right on the edge of ridiculousness. If it was more ridiculous, I'd do it just because it was ridiculous. But it kinda makes sense too; i want to go to this show with someone and i probably have a better chance of meeting somebody compatable through emails than drunken bar shenanigans. But it's still got that stigma in my mind that makes it not really a legitamate option in my mind. Plus, what type of girls are these that are that on top of craigslist singles postings that they're responding to this so quickly? Plus, if it did work out, it's such a pathetic "how'd you guys meet?" Plus, really? online dating? Jesus.

So questions for the cousins?
-Is this ridiculous enough to make it a good idea?
-Is this sane enough to make it a good idea?

Ah yes, part three. Medium for hooliganry. There's a lot of hilarious things I could do here.
1) Invite them all out to dinner on wednesday, and the winner of this date-off advances to the concert. Too mean and awkward to actually do though.
2) Go to dinner and concert with one. Drop lots of hints that I'm a craiglist pervert with a violence fetish.
3) Obviously a lot of people read these want-ads. I (or we) can do an experiment to see which work best, or how weird of an ad I can write that people would respond to.

Question for the cousins three:
-Any ideas for hooliganry? keep in mind that I live life for amusing memories and stories and will actually do these.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Whipit, Jay Jay Face is back

i also kind of have to poop.

Whipit, Jay Jay Face is back

yup, its true. and umm. well. im kinda stoned?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Name Williams

I'm sure at this point I won't ruin any baby surprises. So, cousins, I believe the time is appropriate to begin selecting the name for the first Obama Cousin. As I understand it, the two top contenders currently are Mrs. Delicious and Knife Williams (as in "Knife guys finish first"). Wee Willy Williams was shot down.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Summer of Bubb

I'm making a resolution. Two and a half weeks without drinking. Sometime in the middle of that, a fast, with some days of just a fruit or dee concoction and maybe 2 of just water in there.

I wanted to make that public so I didn't back out. Starting after this weekend, no alcohol until July. I think it will be interesting. I've gotten a bit habitual in my recreation and thinking this might force me to mix it up a bit. I hope to do things in the name of fun besides just going to a bar, and when i do end up at the bar to try a little harder to make it interesting instead of just silence the restlessness. I keep going back and forth between thinking it will be very difficult and thinking it will be too easy. We'll see.

I'm really hoping I don't just spend all that extra time getting high and watching movies. Most of the reason the timing is perfect for this right now is because I don't really have anything to do socially over the next few weeks, and I'll need to avoid just doing nothing. The goal here is alternative recreation. I think I can handle it. Although going to bars alone, which will probably come up, is even weirder when you're not drinking. fuck. solo camping maybe? fuck yeah, all that shit. going to the horse track, finding a lake michigan beach, building something, random acquaintances, seize the day. yeah. it's not just fast month, it's alternative recreation month. suggestions?

What I'm really after, frankly, is to pass the time with furious, no-holds-barred pacing back and forth in my apartment. And when I want to get really wild, I'll throw in some thumb twiddling and angry mumbling. Then I'll blog it all out.