Sunday, January 31, 2010


I am doing a project and I would like some thoughtful information from yous.

What information would you like about drugs? Either when you have gotten a prescription (or child's), grabbed tylenol for a headache, or drunken too much coffee.

Who do you picture giving you this information? Dr. in lab coat, hippie with dreads telling you how "heady" it is, or college dude with thick glasses?

What questions about drugs do you have?

The more info the better.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


In most gangsta movies, at some point, someone is made an example of. The idea is that all the haters out there are plottin and scheming to do someone dirty, and they need a nice vivid example of the consequences.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about how we can do the same thing for ourselves. Let's say you're struggling with will-power. You could either say, I spend so much time doing shit I don't want to be doing, I've got shit for will-power. Then you start to believe it, and the problem reinforces itself. Or, you could make an example of yourself. The best way to do this is to have some overly dramatic representation of will-power. This serves two purposes: it shows the painful consequences and reminds you that you are capable of will-power. Maybe you fast for 48 hours. Maybe you work all night. Maybe you don't watch TV for 2 weeks. Maybe you brush your teeth 30 times in one day. Whatever. What's important is that you have some vivid representation that you're capable of great feats of will. Then, when you're plottin and schemin to be a piece of shit some sunday, one of the first things that pops into your mind is this example, reminding you that weakness is punished, and you have the capacity to behave how you believe you should.

I just did one of these. I used to really pride myself on my willingness to do random adventures. Trips, games, anything. It was bigger than just priding myself on it, I considered it a key part of my identity, and one of the best parts of life. I've gotten away from that a little, and started thinking that everything I did should to be planned and logical. This is bad. So when an opportunity to make an example presented itself I took it. I just put in a request to get tickets to the world cup this summer in south africa. by myself. This was neither planned nor logical. Good.

Just cuz

Random CO pictures to move this blog along:

Also, a random question:
Is "pear ass" a good thing or a bad thing?