Friday, February 25, 2005

Recently I have been running on 6 hours of sleep in the last 3 days. I love staying up and writing 25 page papers into the night...and onto the day. On a more positive note though, in chemisty i learned H+CH3+N is a fart. The longer a fart is held in, the larger the proportion of boring, inert nitrogen it contains, because the other gases tend to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the intestine. A nervous person who swallows a lot of air and who moves stuff through his digestive system rapidly may have a lot of oxygen in his farts, because his body didn't have time to absorb the oxygen.

I also found out that there is a company called Fartypants that makes underwear that claim to absorb the smell of the fart. Liz might want to invest in a pair for matt.

I will see a lot of you in Aspen over spring break. Party monsters.

1 comment:

The Cheese said...

If that shit about N+CH3+N being a fart is real, thats the best thing I've heard all year.