Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I've got to admit that I've been watching the olympics with more enthusiasm than I had anticipated. I'm quite hooked actually. Anyway, I was watching women's individual figure skating tonight(not my favorite, but not altogether bad either) and I was appalled at how critical the judges can be of the performances.

Here's some jackass I've never heard of saying how horrible it is that the Japanese skater missed a 1/4 rotation on a triple lutz and then only followed with a double toe loop. How could she!? The poor girl also barely touched the wall of the rink and they proceeded to butcher this 16yr old girl for not having "olympic maturity." Apparently she didn't have a proper angle on her camel spin either, oh no! How could a girl be so brilliant at times and so sloppy as well, they said. Here's an answer, SHE'S 16! And she's probably really nervous you dick. She made it to the goddamn olympics so she's probably pretty descent.

And then the American girl goes and the same dipshit announcer is astounded how, and I quote, "she had no wibble wobble" in her triple-ann landing. Blah, blah, blah. Its sooo freakin amazing how she just skated her personal best. Bling, blah, bong. And with unbridled enthusiam "They(the American skaters)took all the pressure of the olympics and turned it into a positive force." Yada, yada. Ooh "the fire in her eyes" and "can you believe the musicality of her program?" I'm sorry, did you say musicality? What does that mean? It means YAY America, BOO everyone else.

I think this sucks. And its not just in this sport. Its in every sport short of biathalon and curling which really are too stupid to be in the olmypics anyway. Everyone other than the USA who wins or does well is either lucky or merely adequate while bozos like Bode Miller are world class heroes simply for showing up. BOO! And by the way, are we the only country that obnoxiously chants our own acronym when we win? Or does England yell Great Brit-tain Great Brit-tain everytime they win. How about Eston-i-a Eston-i-a?

I hate Americans.

Just Plain Random
time: 10:43
# of time the word olympics(including this one) was used: 6
# of days William Henry Harrison was president before he died: 37
picking up dog poop in 15 degree weather: warm
Killing the Advertising executive at Master Card: priceless


The Cheese said...

Latvia has the best fans ever.

Bubb Rubb said...

Viva Castro