Monday, September 19, 2005

the story of my life

I have decided that my masterpiece will be my autobiography, so i take my living seriously. I constantly ask myself, if this chapter were a tv show, what would the 10 word TV Guide synapse be?

For a while it was, "one man struggles to meet girls in a new city"
now, it's "one man is blue-balled by inspiration"

of course, the critics (my reflection) hates them both. But maybe there's progress there.

The story would start with me saying, fun is no longer what matters. sex has too many astringent strings that siphon my time. i have a higher calling. i am withdrawing from my daily hedonism in pursuit of my art. and then i would masturbate, maybe read a little, perhaps a movie.... I'd get little glimpses of high creativity, i'd open a file, write some words, think about how tonight is going to be great, i'll write until the sunrise. then i'll stare at my screen awhile and take another break.

I want to suffer for something. I'd like to suffer for my art, but I don't think I have one. I am fully prepared to give up most of my joys and all my comforts for something, but i just don't know what that should be.

any suggestions?

the clock is ticking.

so here's a request, write what your current chapter synopse would be, and then what you'd like your next one to be.


Anonymous said...

Chapter Right now: All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy.

Chapter later: practice creativity

The Cheese said...

Chapter of the present:
State of complacency and mundane tedium. I am completely comfortable, but bored and bothered by a feeling of persistant unrest.

Chapter of the ideal future:
Free time that is filled with reading, writing, volunteer work, spontaneity, and adventure. Virtuous.

Chapter of the realistic future:
A combination of the aforementioned past(the present is now past)and future(which will soon be present)with enormous potential to relapse into complacency.