Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Gone Yurtin: a photographic journey

alright, I have put Matt's pictures up on a web-site.

It turns out all the pics are parentproof, so feel free to share the link.

Captions, and their inherent fun, are the main reason I did this. Unfortunately, I am the only one allowed to change captions. I can give you guys my yahoo passsword so you can change them, or you can simply write some caption ideas in comments here, and I'll change them myself. That's probably easier. For instance, "change Gone Yurtin' 078 to "Bryan has a beard." And it shall be done.

Enjoy, and to everyone else, you should come next year.

Oh, and Bryan, we can def. get your pics up here as well. mail me a disk or i'll give you my password and you can do it.

1 comment:

The Cheese said...

Nice work Rubbadub. Here's this for your viewing pleasure: