Monday, June 29, 2009

What the fuck?

I'd like to go 30 years into the future to see if cent has replaced cents in the english dictionary for the plural of cent. Because if it has become completely acceptable for cent to be the plural of cent than I'm just going to give up on life right now. If you have 30 pennies, its 30 FUCKING CENTS, PLURAL! Also, if a situation deserves a "what the fuck" just say "what the fuck," don't say or write or think "wtf" unless you're a lazy asshole.

ps-my job blows

also-how much longer are gigantic sunglasses going to be cool, I fucking hate those. Maybe people should just start wearing full facial sunglasses.


ninja. ninja gaiden said...

hey lazy asshole, it's "write"

Ninja Killer said...

It sure is Ninja, it sure is.

ninja. ninja gaiden said...

Oh ninja, there I go again, I'm such a stinker. I like to play bad games.