Saturday, March 08, 2008

Orgiastic Fun Friday

Last night I went to a bluegrass band that was playing at my local music venue. I didn't previously associate myself with being an avid bluegrass fan, and I guess I still don't, but that was about as much good clean fun as you can have for 12 bucks. Trampled By Turtles, and Pert' Near Sandstone were the names, both from MN. I don't know how they stacked up against more renown bands but they caved my skull in with pure American boot stompin' fun! I was bounding around the room like an amphetamine strung-out ballerina, shouting and whooping into the fucking frigid bitch Wisconsin night. So if you have a case of seasonal sexless depression, get yourself some bourbon whiskey and bluegrass.


Anonymous said...

Good discussion!

The Cheese said...

I've got a lot of old jerry garcia bluegrass from his band Old and In the Way if you're interested.

Bubb Rubb said...

I've attampted to get wild to some bluegrass before, and it didn't go very well. It felt forced. I think Bourbon would have helped. Also being outside, and possibly barefoot on soft grass might have helped also.

I once went crazy at a rockabilly show. I don't even remember what the band was called, or whether it is considered rockabilly, but it has left me with an impotent love of rockabilly. That thing where you lock elbows with somebody and spin em around is the type o' dance moe you can shine your shoes by.