Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Two things

Is anyone as creeped out by condensation as I am? I mean I have a glass of ice water in front of me and somehow the water has made its way from the inside of the glass to the outside. How the fuck does it go through glass and why does everyone else just except this as normal?

I'm drawing a huge blank here. I had something and then I lost it. God I hate that, I have the short term memory of a speck of dust. Screw it, it was probably stupid anyway. I'm just going to throw out an arbitrary prejudice: I hate people who breathe.


Anonymous said...

first off your short term memory would be better if you didn't drink whiskey so often and smoke other drugs. second off: water in gas form (i.e. air) has more energy than water in liquid form (ie water in your glass) when the h20 gas comes in contact with your icy cool glass of water it loses enegy in the form of heat. this energy loss results in a drop in physical state (ie from gas to liquid. so in summation: the water is condensing around your icy cold glass because the warm air around it is changing from h20 gas to h20 liquid!

Bubb Rubb said...

I think poo works the same way. when you have to poo, the poo in the air comes in cotact with you and loses energy, and appears in solid form. 'plop'

because there's no way some of the logs i drop could fit out of that teensy little hole.

The Cheese said...

Thank you so much for the explanation Sir Wilhem, although I still think its weird. To remedy my short term memory I have decided to smoke whiskey and injest marijuana anally.

Anonymous said...

I take ass-bumps of everything!