Wednesday, June 08, 2005


I have been trying to write some songs lately--trying to put together my guitar playing with maybe some brief song writing I have done. Whoa is me! Its hard as a fuckin' 'ell. Its like trying to rub your stomach and tap your head for hours at a time without ever even puting anything together even close to resembling the task. I want to jump out of my skin...its itchy. I spent like 4 days at the cottage doing nothing but playing all day and still, nothing. errrrrrreghhghggggggg. Id almost rather live in New York...wait, no still not even close. I'm sure you've had similar frustrations: having a vague idea of a very specific piece(writing, work, playing instruments) yet making no progress towards it. Maybe i'll take a break from it for a day or so. Yeah! that's it. That's going to work. Thanks for the help.


Anonymous said...

I wrote a song for my Kazoo, its called Homosexual Party Pants. Try these chords: F A G G A E F A G

Anonymous said...

heheheheheheheheh that kinda helps! I can actually make a song out of that. Tonight has been an awesome night. I've been making up songs like its noones business. I've got like three melodies already I just need some words for them. But that is fun and not as frustrating to come up with. I took my own advice and stopped playing for a whole day....except I didn't make it the whole day and when I sat down to play I was all of a sudden able to play some really good stuff that sounds like what I was looking for. I should stay up all night a keep going but I think they are starting to sound the same. I'll work out the sequence to FAGGAEFAG on the piano tomarrow. I need words to it though so I need some verses from you guys.