Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Gravity Reflection

I was getting jazzed on coffee this morning and I got to thinking. Deep thinking not just surface thinking. I was walking home from class. Slow motion. I have some questions that need answerin'...We all follow along a path that is socially laid. We grow up go to k-12 school, then pick your favorite college as if it matters, we suckle from the money nipple of our parents, and then slowly are weened to working in a cubicle and eating shittty food to get by. And it seems to me that for most of us not until we are desperate to survive and live do we put our necks on the line, becoming utterly vulnerable, and make that critical jump in our careers, that seems to come just as we need it. I don't know if I am making my point well...but I figure that maybe some of my cousin elders who may have experienced this. Any comments on this are welcome. Another thing kind of pertaining is that I feel a great urge to just throw what I have in a back pack and start walking letting chaos fill in the rest. I feel that my spirit is strong enough now to handle anything, my mind is functioning well enough to persuade anyone given the right circumstances. I want to be huge for some reason. it has been years since we have had breakthroughs in the fields of thought and intellect or music. I believe that I am not anymore special than anyone but just more fortunate to feel how I do today. Any thoughts on this I'm sure you've all been here at sometime and I want to know. Do not worry these are just thoughts, they are light years away from taking shape, and most likely will just be pondered in my mind. dig


Bubb Rubb said...

i say use it.

The Cheese said...

I keep a backpack with me at all times, I am just waiting for a nudge and I'm gone.

Bubb Rubb said...

II am no stranger to that feeling as well, and I have two things I've learned from it.

Decisive action, for me, is the hard part. You must choose what your big thing is, I'm not scared of wandering Africa and confident enough to attempt a novel. You must choose what your big thing is, and follow through with it as long as you can. That way, even when it's not there, you know your higher path.

I get pretty potent depression when a decent period of time goes by when i didn't work towards anything epic. If you're the same way, you must accept this and plan accordingly. It's hard to turn down a fun nighht with friends, or sex with a spicy little italian, to spend writing rhymes (my current one) but when there are options for fun nights every night, it's what you have to do

But it comes down to use it. You have everything it takes to do something big, make it happen. And why not? What else are you doing? What is more important? I try to look at life like It's a book...would anyone want to read it? Or like a soccer game, and you want to make the crowd go "ooooooh" Or like it's an illusion, where everything and everyone besides me are fake, and my "programmer" tried to instill the raw materials to make me do something epic, and now it's down to me.

“Nothing in the world can take the place of motivation. Talent will not; nothing is more common that unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Motivation and determination are omnipotent.”
-Calvin Coolidge

"The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work."
- Emile Zola

"Be the change you want to see in the world"

"The greatest art form is a life well lived"
-kesey, joplin

Bubb Rubb said...

just read matt's line. Adam's the same way. I certainly am.


I dunno, South America?

Anonymous said...

You know its a good post when reading the responses gives you chills. And leaves me feeling on top of a cliff with my skis on getting ready to make the move.