Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Question 2

If you could go anywhere in the world with an absolute guarantee of your personal safety no matter what, where would you go?


Anonymous said...

I'm going to go with the center of the center of the earth. I imagine there's some pretty interesting lava and gravity and zero-gravity lava around those parts. Top of Everest comes in at 2nd, with Alec Baldwin's shower a distant 3rd.

Design an awesome new animal. For example, a flying cat with a rhino-head would be pretty sweet.

k said...

It will be called Amazingimal. Head of a giraffe, neck of a giraffe, and torso...of a giraffe. And the rest will be centipede.

If you could eradicate the world of 1 thing, what would it be?

Unknown said...

Ah... what about snow? I hate snow... no let's say world hunger.

QUESTION 5: What is the first thing you think of in the morning?

Anonymous said...


anabolio said...

sex. for sure!

Anonymous said...

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