Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Howdy cuzzes. I think we should try to bring the blog back to life. In pursut of this goal, I propose we play the the question game. Whenever you visit this page, you have to answer the newest question and add one of your own. Here we go: What animal that we dont currently eat do you think would be the tastiest. To make it simple, extinct animals and other nonfood substances are permissabe answers.


DEE said...

Simple, got it.

I'm gonna go with whale, thinking it would be blubber-softened meat. The only problem is that maybe the enormous amount of atmospheric pressure the whale endures has hardened the meat into a thick patty.

k said...

You just won't stop talking about whale patties will you. But, you have to add a question of own.

DEE said...

Oh yeah...

Um, I suck at this, I'll have to think about it, maybe this: If you could go anywhere in the world with an absolute guarantee of your personal safety no matter what, where would you go?