Wednesday, October 07, 2009


I've had to poo all day long, but since I work in a hospital, I'm very afraid of the toiletes at work. I've seen some real bad ones that made me afraid to poo in the bathrooms there. One bad one was all bloody and had some thick black liquid on(not in) it. I have no idea of the horrors those bathrooms have seen. To make things worse, the bathrooms for employees are very small, not well ventilated, and very close to work stations. Out of respect for my cooworkers, I do not poo in those, especially not after some weird meatloaf sandwich that started this whole train of events. I am now home, its been many hours since I new I had to poo, and the bathroom is being pooed in. We are low on tp and I am getting anxious and nervous.

I debated not entering any text here, leaving the title to tell the story. I believe that it would not have done this feeling justice.

The door just opened and the fan is not on. I don't know what I'm getting into, but my intuition tells me nothing pleasent is about to happen.

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