Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen, I want to introduce you to the idea of farting in the pocket of a calzone.

That is all.

1 comment:

Whipit, Jay Jay Face said...

That is amazing! I couldn't even reply at first. Simply fantastic. I was laughing even harder by the thought of you farting into your own calzones for flavor and I realized you never clarified. I have an awesome visual of kyle sneakily farting into a steamy calzone while Dee is in the other room, like he knows its crazy and hes real ashamed to do it, but just can't help it.

Upon some contemplation over the move, and noticing that i was thinking of farting in everything since i read this, I now realize that the move would require some suspiciously good aim. Too close and you unknowingly get sauce on your pants, giving you away, too far and its ineffective. My only solution is practice, practise, practous(I don't know how to spell that word!) I'm thinking you could start by farting into beers, where you could press the rim on your ass for added effect, then move up to dangling hands, where even a slight touch would ruin the secret, then onto the calzones, where precision is vital.