Tuesday, January 27, 2009


In the spirit of new words, I have a new word for 2009: Unicorn

Its a person who is an extremely hard to find double minority.


Gay hippie
Black Jew
Obese Vegetarian
Alcoholic Mormon
Muslim Feminist

1 comment:

Bubb Rubb said...

I've been over-using the word gypsy lately. One can be called a gypsy for having a tendency to move, having a tendency to beg, steal, or swindle, or for pretty much anything else.

A classic gypsy-move that I take great pride in was when I took some ones out of a passed out friend's wallet, so i could give them to northern michigan strippers.

One great recent move came from a friend of mine. They had rented some ski cabin somewhere, over-stocked the fridge, and had to leave their extra beer outside. Someone stole their beer, so they responded by spending the whole night peeing in empty bottles, recapping them, putting them in a box, and putting them outside in the same place. As luck would have it, these "beers" were also taken. This falls under the category of "you can't gypsy a gypsy."

Another great derivative is "gypsy seats" which are standing room only seats at a sporting event.