Monday, August 18, 2008

bored games

the smithiest members of this blog once spent a night playing Taboo where we made up our own categories. it ws actually a lot more fun, especially the round where dee had to describe "smut" without using the word porn, nudity, sex, etc. and where jeremy had to describe a word without using the words "the, I, you, word, it, uh..."

This weekend I parlayed this into make up your own cattegories scattegories, with categories such as "personal hero" "personal nemesis" "simpsons character"... also a fun game. I imagine there are lots of games that can be improved by not owning them.

Jeremy and I lived together for a summer and excelled at engaging in certain performance enhancing drugs and making up games. Memorable examples include a paper air-plane making and flying contest, blow-gun battleship, hanging wall handle HORSE, and George Foreman tv show drinking game where you drink every time someone says George (funny because all his kids are named George)

So that's a lesson kids. We're not too old to play. playing's fun. play more.

Anyone got any other silly games? I have lots of nights where I have some energy but don't want to get drunk and might like to do something memorable silly or otherwise worth doing.



The Cheese said...

Don't forget about pine shoes.

DEE said...

Looks like you're shit outta luck.

You don't want drinking games, right? You want something in place of drinking? Cuz I was thinking a version of Jacks with little shots of beer could be fun, using those little cups you get for rinsing out your mouth, and a racket ball that could bounce really high.

The Cheese said...

How about using tampons for Jenga? Or real Hippos for Hungry Hungry Hippos? What about an outdoor obstacle course that resembles Chutes and Ladders.

Bubb Rubb said...

how dare you imply that i may one day forget about pineshoes. if i had a glove and an old west attitude, we'd be dueling at sunup. scallawag.