Friday, June 15, 2007


I've been having some real random shit pop into my head and I wanted to post some of it into the archives that are the Cuzzin Blog. So read it if you want or don't, I really don't care. Really, I don't.

Time Travel
I had this thought the other day: I think if you somehow managed to travel forward in time for a significant amount of years that when you arrived in the future you wouldn't last more than a week before you died. The reason is this; I think viruses and bacteria and such would have adapted and mutated over the years and you, being the time traveler, would not have had those years to build up a sufficient immunity to such things. So, my conclusion is that time travel, while very interesting, would not be worth the trip.

Life After Death
I was walking down the street the other day(what a cliche opening sentence!) when I crossed paths with a young woman pushing a older woman in a wheel chair as I was pushing my daughter in a stroller. I found it strangely ironic how you begin life by having your elders feed you, bathe you, change your diapers, and push your around in stroller only to finish life by having someone your younger do the same for you. The only difference is a stroller is now a wheel chair, gerber baby food is now an ensure milkshake, and pampers are now depends(what an apt and amusing name for a product).

Now I'm well aware that I'm not the first person to notice the irony here, but it brought me to this thought:
What if the reason we revert to a childlike state near the end of life is because we are preparing for some sort of rebirth. Maybe the reason we lose our memory at the end of our days is because we're not supposed to know that we lived a previous life.

This last thought made me wonder about the people who don't make it to the later stages in life, the ones who die young. Maybe the ones who die young are at the end of their life cycle. I've heard that children with terminal cancer have said they always new they were going to die and that they are normally more at peace with death than people much older.

Anyway I'd like to think on this much more.

New York

We're moving back to Chicago in a month and while I'll have some fond memories of my time here when I leave I won't ever look back. Some things about NYC that I won't miss: all the trash on the sidewalks, the subway, rats, the insane amount of chicken bones everywhere, street hoods, anyone from the city, any New York sports fan especially the Yankees and Jets, New York cops, moving my car 4 times a week for street sweeping ($70 fine), taxi drivers, traffic,
tolls (one is $9), and so on. I hate New York City with a passion. On a side note--the rest of the state north of the city is nothing short of beautiful and surprisingly accessible.

Cuzzin Olympics
The next olympics needs to be planned soon. This summer is still young. I'm thinking possibly Green Lake again or Aspen over Labor day weekend. I have two ideas about the olympics:
1)This should be an annual event
2)The winner of each years olympics should get to pick the location of next years events but must also be in charge of the organization.
3)The cuzzin olympics also needs a website.

I leave for Colorado in a couple days and I think its the only thing keeping me together. Rob if you're thinking of joining us, we're camping Sunday night in Buena Vista and leaving Monday morning so get in touch with me before Friday so we can coordinate meeting up.

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