Tuesday, May 10, 2005

So what

A collection of thoughts:

I feel like protestors are running out of viable reasons to complain. In Chicago they were protesting a pharmacy that wouldn't sell the morning after pill(for religious reasons). So what!? walk down 10 feet to the next pharmacy you idiots. Maybe they should smoke more pot and stop annoying everyone.

I just got my Atari out of my parents attic. Fuck yeah I did!

People(I won't name who) have recently started carrying small boom boxes on the subway and blasting their shitty rap for all to hear. What the hell? Are they too cheap to buy an iPod, discman, mp3, etc. or just too arrogant and rude? I just want to grab the boom box and smash it. Either that or I'm going to follow suit and bring my own so I can play Muppets Sing-Along for everyone.

Sandals really do kick ass. I mean is there anything better than walking around in flip-flops. No guy, there isn't.

I say we get rid of cars all together(no offense to your Dad Joe Taebo), they suck to take care of, gas prices are out of control, they are horrible for the environment, and who doesn't hate every other person on the road besides yourself? On a side note....isn't it wierd how Asians will only drive Japanese cars? I don't know, maybe its not that weird, what do I know. Fuck it.

Did you know that El Jebel means "the mountain" in Arabic? Yeah that's right Arabic, not Spanish you butthole.

I have lots more that comes to mind but I don't want to make this too long and pretentious, in fact don't even bother reading this. Although I guess if you got this far you already read it. Maybe I should move this sentence to the top. Oh well. If you are still reading this, just stop now because I am rambling on purpose and you should have figured this out by now. I would like to say though, if you are still reading this, that the rest of the cousins(William Bold, Joe Hio,
L' Viagra, and myself excluded) should start contributing. Don't be scared!

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