Monday, October 04, 2010

poop jokes

mountainous sounds alot like mount-anus

"a sweet-ass ride" can become "a sweet ass-ride" (or cool ass-car, or sweet ass-living, or mellow ass-life, or nice ass-view). This joke was stolen, then expanded on, from

I have been putting serious thought into getting a funny tattoo that I won't get sick of. This is very difficult. My best so far is: "(enter poop joke here)". This may have below it, a tiny stick figure with a giant pile of poop next to him. He may be giving the

> <

face. Still working on it.


Whipit, Jay Jay Face said...

that face didn't come out right. although it is very funny.

Whipit, Jay Jay Face said...

> <

Whipit, Jay Jay Face said...

nope, still not right. > <

Whipit, Jay Jay Face said...

the fourth comment is....

there once was a man very hainus...

Whipit, Jay Jay Face said...

he committed crimes
then hated the times
when tyron would stretch out his anus.

k said...

Can I recommend not getting a pooping stick figure tattoo? You might outgrow that one. Or your Sally might insist you never take your shirt off in public. Instead, how about a series of little poops following a big poop across your back like ducklings?

k said...

Can I recommend not getting a pooping stick figure tattoo? You might outgrow that one. Or your Sally might insist you never take your shirt off in public. Instead, how about a series of little poops following a big poop across your back like ducklings?

k said...

Or better yet, a poop flying through the sky like and shitting out a human stick figure that falls and splats on some real birds below?

So deep.

wjjf said...

interesting ideas. I think if my sally would be ashamed of a pooping stick figure, then she probably wouldn't like a poop duckling or, uh, that other one.

My main idea remains "(enter poop joke here)"

that way I can always be coming up with good poop jokes. It's actual goal would be to remind me not to be too serious. It doesn't have to be poop related, but poop is simple and funny and all ages enjoy a good poop joke.