Tuesday, May 04, 2010

I'm Brant and I'm a bicycle

I don't understand these new Microsoft commercials. You've seen 'em. A young and ethnically ambiguous individual says some garbage about Windows 7. He or she then bleats that they made a suggestion to Microsoft about some useless window function. Finally, the zombie says "garbage, garbage, garbage...and I'm a PC." I'm left feeling utterly dumbfounded at what just happened. I don't understand the relevance to anything regarding computers. "I'm a PC"...what the fuck does that mean? I'm Brant and I'm a bicycle. I wish there were a marketing expert on this blog to explain this corruption to me. How could any human identify with this? Are they sitting there shoveling pipping-hot shrimp scampi into there gullets thinking, "this guy is a pc, I identify with this, I will buy Windows 7"? This isn't reasonable. I am going to go throw my TV out of my window into traffic now.

1 comment:

Whipit, Jay Jay Face said...

heres my recent "are people viewed to be that stupid by these companies?"



One swig will turn you into a rap machine.