Thursday, October 25, 2007

Next Friday I head for San Diego. I will stay in a hostel and, perhaps, be burned to death by the California fires. Pray for me. Pray for Mojo.

After some thought, I've decided that my favorite movie in the last while has got to be Children of Men.

Adobe Illustrator kicks ass.

So do the BoSox. Eat it Denver.


The Cheese said...

Did you pay for adobe illustrator? and if so how much was it?

ps-you're not allowed to be a Red Sox fan.

Bubb Rubb said...

you can get any program you want from the internet if you know about torrents. i can write a blog of how if someone wants. also good for music and other more erotic stimuli. ooo

i was told a few days ago that i wasn't a 'real' michigan fan. what are the rules of Fandom? Does your enthusiasm for a team have to have a negative impact on your life? Does a loss have to ruin your day? Do you have to read fucking scouting reports about high school sophomores in fucking cleveland? It really seems like a hierarchy, where the new fans are like clerks.

Also, I just saw a great movie about what a true fan is all about. it's called Green Street hooligans. Kyle will surely argue with its greatness, but it made me feel good and rowdy. it's involves soccer hooligans in london teaching an innocent elijah wood some valuable life lessons with their drunken fists.

Anonymous said...

Are you heading to San Diego because you like stupid apocalyptic movies? I get it, you are going to pretend your in a stupid apocalyptic movie by wearing a trench coat and fighting the futuristic hell fire. That's cool, but is your fantasy going to conclude leaving countless loose ends? Are you going to get on a boat that may not solve any problem? I hated that movie. I did like most of Green Street Hooligans with the exception of casting elijah wood as the main character. I could take an elijah wood punch square on the mushroom head. My favorite scene when his and his female pubescent nipples were getting a tattoo. Precious.

The Cheese said...

I know about torrents, although I've had a few problems with viruses before from downloading torrents.

To answer your questions: Yes, if you're a true fan a loss is supposed to ruin your day. New fans are lower than clerks, they are more like low level toll booth operators. I just don't see how you can abandon your old team just because you moved to a city that happens to have a better team. On the other hand if you didn't have an old team then I just won't take you seriously anyway.

PS-I agreed with everything Brant said. Children of Men was hugely disappointing for me. For you readers who like apocalyptic type books I recommend Earth Abides.

Bubb Rubb said...

if you mean that you won't take someone seriously if they're not emotionally reliant on a team in every sport, i definitely disagree with that.

if you mean you don't take my fanhood seriously, that's fine with me because i definitely don't either. however, this takes away nothing from the integrity of my statement that resulted in my fanhood being called into question, which was "fuck you, you dirty buckeyes"

DEE said...

Bubb, I think you should be promoted to super fandom for having been arresting, tripping, in the buckeye state. Also, your questions made me laugh out loud.

Everyone, Children of Men was disappointing unless you were looking at the cinematography. I wouldn't have noticed anything if Kyle didn't point it out, but it was really fantastic. I hope to hell none of you paid to see that Elijah Wood movie (Netflix counts).

K-Snake said...

Illustrator is deadly expensive. You can get it for a much cheaper price (a few hundred $) if you are associated with a university. I get to use it for free since I work on a university computer.

For those that are in CO during Christmas, we'll all have a sit down and watch Children of Men...and I'll win you over to my side.

Bubb Rubb said...

also for those that are in co during christmas, a few friends and i are planning a hut trip. hut trips involve renting some tele skis, putting on a backpack full of liquor and tasty treats, and making your way to a hut in the middle of some forest, hopefully for a day of back-country skiing, definitely for a night of hut drinking.

we're still in early planning stages, but it looks like probably before xmas, like around the 15th of december. no specifics yet. anyone interested?