Thursday, August 02, 2007

capitol peak

i seem to have started a slump with my poorly worded attempted praise of america. glad you enjoyed it matt. thought i'd nwo break it with some good old adventure.

jake and i climbed capitol peak yesterday. it's considered the most difficult 14er in colorado, and i must agree after spending 13 hours on it. it's hard to describe. there was probably 4 hours where a single mistake would likely mean death. i'm still rattled from it. while climbing it i asked myself repeatedly why i do these things, but afterwards i know. i believe life must be judged in retrospect, and sitting here in a leather chair enjoying a sandwich and the memory, i'm glad i was clinging to those rocks yesterday. this might be the last of this kind of madness for a while for me. might not.

i wrote a trip report for

how is everybody?


DEE said...

Awesome. Our new apartment rocks, but I would like my husband back thank you.

Your pictures were beautiful, and your post was informative without taking itself(?) too seriously.

Sean is bombing all over the place, saying "mooo" and "ruffruff" when asked about cows and dogs, and saying "dada" when he sees the bus. Any vocab suggestions...?

Anonymous said...

ask him to say analingus

Anonymous said...

see if he can say "snuff film"

DEE said...

We're working on "8-1-7 on a mother fucking cop" right now, but I'll keep those in mind. You can hear him say "up" if you go to