1. is it wierd to be talking about drunkenly sodomizing your hot ex in the future, with that hot ex, and having her be all for it?
2. is it weird to be woodless during that conversation?
perhaps its guilt, seeing how i wont be single until next week.
two more questions:
1. why do ghetto girls got so much ass
2. why you say never say never, when you know that aint right. cuz to never say never, you done said never twice.
three more questions
1. is this cute, or just weird

2. is this hot or what? i mean, just look at his package.

3. is this funny or sad?

now that im picture happy, here. sorry ladies, this may get manly.
1 comment:
That butt is hypnotic. I staired at it for nearly 20 minutes before I realized what I was doing.
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