Well isn't this interesting. The Smith boys rule the blog...I dig. Good posting had by all. As for Rob's fourteener hike, I was just waiting to see what type of mayhem Ted got you to into. I like how you turned it into an exercise of thought and reflection. More importantly, returning to me, I have been without internet for a while; thus my lack of postings. I am trying to break the bad habit typing grammatically shitty interweb-speak that I've developed over the years, I realize my punctuation and spelling are at the third grade level. I also just moved into a new apartment, which ,god willing, will prove to be a creative sanctuary. Today me and my cohorts will dangle from a rope swing, and swing our worries away. We will laugh and sing being friends and happy, just outside talking hoo-hooing being merry, good day. Jeremy, I believe is really into breasts. That is wonderfully clever. Personally, I am more of a fourth or fifth-tier porn viewer where forays with scat and urine are not uncommon. I got hit on last night in a bar...pretty fatly modest looking girl. I also have noticed your guys affluency for lists or "best of"s here's an entry for you BEST ADVERB(I think): Fatly
I appologize for the gross overuse of italics
Included picture titled "self portrait of an Adonis pondering"
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