Three things that I am not built for are being a delivery driver, being in an argumentative relationship, and menial work on a computer. These things pretty much define my life right now. I should start bowling every night so that I can live in a permanent state of failure.
That's probably not a horrible idea actually. It would be good for my ego, which apparently needs work, as I have been called both narcissistic and condescending in the last week. These are probably the two insults that I find to be the worst. I have also been told that I cum too fast, which combined with the two previous claims against me, certainly adds to the second of the problems above.
This is the only problem really worth addressing, as both delivery driving and repetetive work are temporary and getting easier. Arguing, despite more practice in a short-time than I've ever encountered before, is not. It's fucking me all up. I couldn't enjoy my
badass concert because of it, and I fear that my coming camping weekend in Utah may suffer a similar fate.
I try. I try not to argue. I try to be inoffensive, and when the heat rises, I try to end the conversation before it turns worse. These efforts have failed, so now I am begging for advice.
I can offer the following insight into my problem, so you may more effectively psychoanalyze me:
-I take every argument very personally
-I see every one as another step towards the end
-I am irritable sometimes, especially under my current status of heavy failure
-I knew from the start that things fall apart
-I don't at all enjoy arguing. I don't have the stomach for it. I have no experience with it, and am unable to think about anything besides argument lines for days after each one. I can handle few more.
And I have already received the following advice, from a guru in the field name marquise, whose reputation with girls is very strong, despite his divorce: Decide while cool-headed how much you can take. How much bad you can handle before it outweighs the good. When the scale starts to tip, tell her how you feel, that something needs to change, but make sure to do it in a nonconfrontational way. (my idea that I tell her that it will be over after 2 more fights was shot down, but I still think it has merit somehow)
So anyway, I need some advice. I like this girl very much, and for the first time in years, maybe ever, I like having a girlfriend. But at this rate, it's gon be fucked in two more fights. Thoughts?