Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The word of the day is.....

Replete. Definition: filled abundantly. As in this blog is replete with negativity. And before I begin, let me first say that I do not absolve myself of blame. The reek of life may sting your nose, but it is your fault for smelling the wrong roses. Also, complaining about the lack of women in Aspen(especially after hooking up with one) is like complaining to god for a lack of clouds in heaven. As I stated before; I myself am guilty of berating the evils and darkness of the city in which I abide. However, at least for the brevity of the near future, I suggest the mood be more upbeat lest we feed off the morbidity of each other unto an endless abyss. I will start it of by saying how excited I am to see my siblings and cousins in less than two weeks. In a little place called Aspen, where the beer flows like wine and the women flock like the salmon of capistrano. I will also leave you with some non-sensical jiberish because that seems to be the trend here. I giggle shit to smell my feet sometimes. It tickles in my brain banana and the sky leaks tiny nipple beads to my hoo-ha. Mecka lecka high mecka highnee ho.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The wreak of life isn't necessarily a bad thing. It just means it has a strong odor. like my apartment which smells like gas. I'm happy as a pig in mud. But I agree with the need for an overall Ha-Penis change here. As for the jibberish: ones man's garbage is another man's treasure.speaking of penises I thought we had hottie girl cousins in our family not just snausage. Your all just jealous of my masculinity anyway...peaceout