Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Questions

In an effort to bring this party back to life, I am proposing a little question game. I'll start with the first question. Then, every time somone comes to the site, they answer the question and pose another one. Here we go.

What person would you most like to see humiliated, and what would you like to see them do?


Whipit, Jay Jay Face said...

I think I would like to see kyle eat my farts for a week. And no, I won't be eating healthy.

serious answer...
I would like to see bono get lost in a jungle with villagers laughing at him for getting dysentary. not necessarily embarassing, but i'd still like to see it.

What's the worst thing you would be willing to drink if it would instantly cure a hangover.

Bubb Rubb said...

I think a good rule is that you can't read a question without answering it and proposing a new one, so here goes.

I like the Bono response. I think it would be hilarious if it came out that the pope was in some gay sex scandal. perhaps with a rentboy.

grossest thing i'd eat to cure a hangover. if it was one of my trademark all-day-bile hangovers, anything short of poo, vomit, or over one ounce of pee. and yes, this includes a concoction of Jack Black's sweat and semen.

if you had to have sex with any animal, which animal would you choose?

K-Snake said...

Bubb, <1oz of pee won't do a goddamn thing for your biles! You need 5 oz, minimum.

I would have sex with a sea cow. Preferably while it's doing some totally classic sea cow vocalizations.

If stranded with the tallest and smallest person in the world and facing certain starvation, would you cannibalize the tallest man, cannibalize the shortest man, turnicate your arm and cannibalize it, or starve and risk being cannibalized yourself?

Whipit, Jay Jay Face said...

smallest. I bet their meet is more tender.

where would you least like to poop in your pants, with plenty of noise?

k said...

Easy: while trying to quietly cannibalize someone as the others huddle dispair near the wreckage.

I see you're on a poo kick. Which poo would you rather spend a romantic evening with? Back alley hobo poo with strange shreds of carpet in it, sumo backed up toilet poo with embarassed sumo wrestler alongside, or poo containing cannibalized back alley hobo meat?

Bubb Rubb said...

Love the sea cow response. I drove the A1 betwen LA and Can Francisco a few years back and stopped at a sea-cow pile. Literally a 10 yard wide pile of 300 pound bags of blubber grunting and trying to hump each other. mmmm.

I would rather spend the time with the hobo poo with carpet. Sumo poo would be way bigger, and my impression of the Japanese is that when they're embarassed, they volunteer to kill themselves. That ain't gonna clean the stains Huroshi.

When having sex, what's the worst thing to shout out during orgasm.

k said...

"take THAT dad!"

"See you in 9 months son!"

Anonymous said...

"Take that Dr. Sally Waxler!"

Whipit, Jay Jay Face said...

I think I just took a shit. wait. nope. that was just a hemorrhoid popping.

thats right. i'm still on the poo kick.

If you had to sit somewhere for a week without leaving, what is the last place you would want to be?

Ideally this is somewhere where you would survive. e.g. next to a hornet's nest is a weak answer.

k said...

Next to that rotting bum corpse. Yes I would have to cannibalize it like a giant hoagie to stay alive, and yes I would take huge bites and savor the leathery textures, but no, there is no real downside to that scenerio. Except I don't like staying in one place.

What is the thing that you dislike, but really have no reason and by all measures should like it, but just don't at all? E.g., The Beatles for me.

Cousin Adam said...


whipit, jew jew face said...

fat people.

where do you think the funniest place to masturbate would be?

all things signs said...

All over a "no masturbating" sign that you've secretly installed on the sidewalk the previous night?

Anonymous said...

Nice one all things signs...but to play the game you must contribute...G.A.M.E.O.V.E.R

all things signs said...

That's why I put a question mark at the end--it was a "sign" that this could be the real answer, but it wasn't settled yet. Rest assured, my contribution when it comes will involve many signs.

Bubb Rubb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bubb Rubb said...

I don't know whose turn it is or even who is who (I'm Adam).

I actually share the undeserved Beatles hate comment, and may even take it so far as to say I undeservedly hate all rock music. I also hate Friends, which may be deserved, but probably not to the dramatic extent that I hate it.

I think masturbating in a church confession booth, while stringing off a long list of masturbatory confessions and adding very sadly at the end that you're also currently masturbating while thinking about the previous masturbatings.

What animals would you most like to 1)Fuck 2)Fight 3)Live as for a day.

all things signs said...

Bubb Rubb, by my calculations this is the second question from you about sex with animals. Is this a "sign" of some internal obsession? I too like to raise all manner of questions about sex with things - say, signs - so if this is the right venue, then I'm in.

K-Snake said...

All things signs is really tearing it up!

1) Sea cow
2) Kangaroo Joey (boxing)
3) Oily sea gull in Gulf of Mexico

My question: why am I so goddamn tired today?

all things signs said...

This may be the most commented post in the blog. Good work Bubb.

Its a "sign" you need to masturbate less. Or, more likely, your a bio-psych researcher at MIT with 2 kids, one of which is an infant. This may cause some tiredness. I say its a "sign" you need to masturbate more.

If you could have one sign (including hand gestures) posted on your front door, what would it be?

the original all things signs said...

A "no masquerading as all things signs" sign! I'm the original.

Bubb Rubb said...

I would like to have a "Beware of Gypsy" sign, with an outline of a woman stealing trinkets.

If you could spend one night with any celebrity, who would you choose and how would you spend the night?

filthy said...

Ryan Seacrest. We would sit across one another. I would say "Ryan", and he would reply "Seacrest!". I would repeat this until midnight, then turn off the a.c., let it swelter, and literally box his anus until my knuckes bleed.

If you could add one word to the dictionary, what would it be?

the original all things signs said...

FYI, I am "filthy".

seacrest anus said...

You think you gonna box me? Bring it on! I make you bleed alright. Second you drop yo guard - kapow - I'm scrapin down yo cheek and pinchin shut on your nose n shit. Awwwww yeah!

whipit, whipit good. said...

cromulent. as in "It's a perfectly cromulent word."

That way, it would ruin exactly one simpson's joke.

If you had to drink only one alcoholic beverage for the rest of you life, what would it be?

K-Snake said...


Can you come up with a good argument for wearing boxers?

The Cheese said...

Their fur would keep you warm. If you make a mess on yourself they could lick it up. They would keep unwanted cats away. They would be better than wearing pit bulls. Black people would be afraid of you. If they were puppies, they could help you pick up chicks.

Question: If I invented an invisible penis camera, what is the most creative way you could use it?