Monday, February 08, 2010

Best Fight Action Ever

Favorite part?


DEE said...

I'm fascinated by the parking situation in this city. And by the amount of air those little 2-cylinders can get, and by the size of their explosions when they happen all in a row.

Bubb Rubb said...

probably 50 pursuing cars, motorcycles, and horses went airborne during these 5 minutes. Do indian cars have ramps on their sides?

On first watch, my favorite part was when he went under the truck on the horse's side. But that stunt he pulled with the traffic post and steel balls was pretty amazing too.

Unknown said...

Oh my, they mangled a lot of horse legs for this.

Whipit, Jay Jay Face said...

My internet is really slow, so i haven't watched it yet. It has downloaded under 2 minutes and has been working for 10. That being said, these are the most rediculous descriptions of an action sequence I've ever heard. airborn cars and motercycles? Steel balls? Mangled horse legs? Damn this is going to be sweet.

Whipit, Jay Jay Face said...

well, that was amazing. I guess its time to make fun of it. Where to start...

That traffic post stunt was pretty sweet. So was that part where he threw the pipe at the car so it flew over him because his leg was stuck.

I like that the store they rode through had an absurd amount of weird doorway things with crystal clear glass in them. I'm thinking "how many people must have walked into those things" while watching.

I also liked that when they finally had him surrounded, people without cars or horses casually walked up and were suddenly blown back when he started moving again.

cars unexplainably airborn: surprisingly lots

horses diving face first on concrete: depressingly abundant

glass shattered by man's face: plenty

policemen with guns: 1

I also wanted to make a mustache joke, but everytime I think of that beautiful thing my mind goes blank, which may have something to do with the total lack of force used on this man, except for dragging him behind the horses(but in my defence, the horsemen were looking away from the stache while doing this.)

Anonymous said...

I liked that animals where hurt and sacrificed for this scene.

barry allen said...

how can all of you have missed the 1:35 mark when he slams his balls into a lightpost INTENTIONALLY and then pulls back enough that horses end up drowning in sewage mucK?