Saturday, October 03, 2009


I do some rock climbing.
Strong right arm weak left.
Make left stronger.
Have others made left stronger?
Write one paragraph a day lefty.
Track progress.
Must do other exercise for left.
Fug you right arm.

1 comment:

Whipit, Jay Jay Face said...

I have a similar problem. I am also skinny, so my arms are visually different in size. I decided a while ago that I would encourage righty to become obsurdely stronger than lefty. I could basically do a one armed pull up when i gave up that idea. I'm still wishing I had one giant arm and one tiny one, mostly so I could tell people I constantly masterbate when they ask what happened.

keep in mind that writing with lefty only helps coordination, not strength. You could try doing pullups, but with your right fingers barely on, so your left arm gets stronger, and only your right hand and forearm get stronger. win win situation.