Friday, June 12, 2009

Name Williams

I'm sure at this point I won't ruin any baby surprises. So, cousins, I believe the time is appropriate to begin selecting the name for the first Obama Cousin. As I understand it, the two top contenders currently are Mrs. Delicious and Knife Williams (as in "Knife guys finish first"). Wee Willy Williams was shot down.


The Cheese said...

While I'm sure the list that is about to ensue will be magnificent to say the least, I thought I'd share 2 of my ideas:


and an anagram of Kurt, Robert, Adam, and Paul(liz's dad):


Bubb Rubb said...

-Wolfgang (nothing's tougher than a whole gang of wolfs)
-Matu (pronounced Matt-Two)
-and, of course, Baby Jesus

K-Snake said...

One word: Tommyknockers

(That's his name - the whole thing)

Anonymous said...

Dubya Wubliams

In honor of our greatest president. k

Tiddliwinks said...

How about

Buttfucker Nippledick Williams

Whipit, Jay Jay Face said...

i met an actual man named willam b williams. he was not nearly as cool as his name.

matu is perfect though.