Sunday, September 16, 2007


I wasn't going to apply for anything until next semester, but an opening came up at Boston University and I gave it a shot, so...I got a job! If the blog weren't in such disrepair, this might not be worth a post, but tough shit, you get to hear about how I got a job!!!!

This be the place:

I'm gettin $60 an hour to teach a language I've spoken my whole life. Fuck yeah. This is why I don't moan about paying taxes.

On my way to campus I sat next to a guy who just got back from Iraq (Rimaldi) that day, still in his uniform and carrying his duffel bag. He was a Navy SEAL, and pretty high up in the ranks. He just had to talk - HAD TO - about all the weird shit he was going through, and all I could think about was that scene from the beginning of Apocalypse Now where Martin Sheen goes nuts in the hotel room until he sees some blood. He was itching to get back already; I felt bad for him. My cousin's boyfriend is also back for a few weeks, but he's only been there since March and seemed much more well-adjusted. Hopefully his deployment won't last too much longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.