Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I'm tired

In small doses can you physically feel your life escaping your body? Is it possible that smog and congestion and a pervading aura of malcontent can lift apirations from your pocket? The lights in this city are fed by the souls of its inhabitants much in the same manner that drug addicts feed the very source that afflicts them. Can you drown in set concrete? Maybe. You can definately suffocate.

1 comment:

Bubb Rubb said...

as the moments parade faster with increasing speed, it can be good to grab one, any one, and strangle the fuck out of it.

it takes a pretty stupid/crazy act to pause the movie of life, but it's good to do every few months or so.

maybe it will help your drowning to throw a life-vest to another suffocator. and you should certainly document the process

i find talking to homeless guys fun. 'ite man i'll give you a dollar but you gotta give me something...advice, a story, whatever"

usually you'll get something between deep and crazy, but when it's on either side it's usually pretty damn enjoyable.